Guideline for“Fair Use”

Guideline for“Fair Use”

Since its creation in 1999, Voltage Inc. has been a leading name in interactive romance novels. We develop more than apps―we produce dramas about love and the challenges associated with it. This passionate subject has created a passionate, talented community of fans. We are humbled by the interest shown by our fans in sharing our games and creating their own work based on our creations! At the same time, we at Voltage spend a lot of time, thought, and money creating these games you love, including the characters, music, sound effects, stories, and illustrations. We need to protect them so we can keep creating.

You can consider this document a guideline for “fair use” for our English-language games. Copyright can be complicated, however, and this cannot cover all situations. Please be respectful of your fellow fans and of us.

  1. Here are some examples of things we are okay with:
  2. *Original art inspired by our games and characters
    *A few screenshots
    *Avatars, banners, and other personal-use images
    *Our announcements and images as released on social media

  3. Here are some examples of things that are not okay:
  4. *Videos, screenshot series, or text reproductions of a story
    *Posting our music and sound effects
    *Anything being sold
    *Misleading or confusingly similar apps or art

    In short, we don’t want anyone confused, we don’t want to spoil stories, and we don’t want what you share to replace the experience someone can get straight from the source (us!).

Please remember that these guidelines are subject to change and are not legally binding. We want to find a balance with our fans; it takes time to do that.
Thank you for taking the time to read this policy. We hope it helps!